Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What to eat during a power outage

We had a power outage on Sunday. It was rainy and cold,  I wanted something warm for dinner but my stove is electric. Then I decided to experiment with my candle operated fondue set, yep, a whole dinner heated on a single candle.

First I heated the leftover tea. It took ages, it was on the fridge.

Then I heated the bread. It was easier since the pan is so thin.

Then made a mock fondue. First step, butter, a garlic clove, dehydrated parsley an fresh ground pepper.

Second step, turkey breast ham.

Third step, yellow cheese, mine is Uruguayan.

Then it melts all together and is ready to eat. Good thing is that I was a good housekeeper the day before and had guava marmalade, carrot and orange marmalade and red bell peppers in a jar (cooked with vinegar and sugar). 

It took a lot of time but worked out fine at the end and I have to admit it was fun. Of course in case of an emergency, it's not very practical. I will get  a mini gas cylinder in case I have another black out like this one. Back in 1991-1992 with the political situation here in Venezuela, we had a hard time, there were riots and people have to be on lines sometimes overnight and for a long time just to get some food and to refill their gas cylinders. Which address me to another subject, my stock pile, I'm building it back up, it's hard because I must help mom and she always seems to be out of  something. We're having elections again, and past time we had the riots I was fine, because I had enough food on my pantry so I didn't need to go out and wasn't involved in all that nonsensical situation. 

As we say in Venezuela ¡Buen provecho!

Chocolates again

Long title for this post. A friend, Jessica, came with her daughter Reina and her boyfriend Jorge to learn how to make chocolate lollipops and filled bonbons. 

We made two types of filling: strawberry and arequipe (milk caramel).

Jessica brought two silicon lollipop molds. One for her, one for me. They are easier to used than I expected, being used as I am to my beloved polycarbonate molds.

The chocolate wasn't the highest quality, something happened and it got muddy, we just mixed the milk caramel filling with it and grounded peanut, then made balls and rolled them on chopped peanut. Didn't look so good but they do taste fine.

With the left over chocolate made strawberries topped with chocolate (yummy!!!)

Here's the whole batch.

And then we had a little sweet snack, tea made with the dried strawberries mixed with black tea. We needed a lot, my guess is that it'll be better alone or mixed with green tea instead.

Guess who sat first at the table??? Yep, kids lol

I'll have to post the bonbons tutorial... Until then, bon appetit!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hi! I've been experimenting with my Nesco Harvest Food Dehydrator. Since I shouldn't have much coffee or tea, due to my fibrocystic breast condition, I want to make my own blends out of herbs and fruits. 

I found out that dehydrating herbs is quick and easy, but something to have in mind is that they are better dehydrated one type at a time, because they will shrink and fall through the the trays. The first time I ended up with some herbs mixed up. Yesterday I was drying the fruits and had a free tray so decided to dry some parsley, since it spoils so quickly. But I wasn't smart enough to put the tray on the bottom. The fruits have some parsley sprinkles in them lol

I like the fact that the fruits and herbs don't loose their natural color. Look how red the strawberries and red bell peppers still are:

How green the parsley is:

The yellow in the oranges:

And the pink guavas:

Well, the color is neat, but the taste is wonderful, it's concentrated. Now just have to experiment with root vegetables... And better storage options, this will be consumed on short term so I'm not worried, but I'd like to start dehydrating and storing season products, so I won't have to buy they extra expensive when they're out of season.

Happy cooking everyone!